This is a site by Ilperon and Irock. I have been pivoting for about 6 months now and I am fairly good at it. This site is a how to pivot site and will help you with things like basic effects, special effects, tips, etc. Enjoy. Please click on ads to support us.


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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Running Tutorial (Basic Movements 2)

Now that you've seen the walking tutorial, make sure to look at this running tutorial for more basic movements. This is a run loop which means it never ends, try it follow this tutorial.

Examine these photos:

Frame 1: Your stick figure is already in a running position, in a longer animation, you will use easing to get it in this position. Make sure it looks like this.
Frame 2: In this case the stick man never "moves" from the spot it's already in in this frame, the legs pull in and there is some onionskin. The arms also move toward the body.
Frame 3: The legs are still in the process of crossing over the arms also touch the body now and will start to cross in the next frame, make sure there isn't too much between the figure and the onionskin.
Frame 4: Arms cross over each other, this can be tricky, but make sure you get this right or your animation will look unrealistic, the stick figure is also in the air now, don't make air frames too long or it will look like the stick is floating.
Frame 5: There is little onionskin in the upper body in the frame, but the legs still move a distance, the arms also have crossed over now. The stick is still airborne.
Frame 6: Arms and Legs move in this frame the stick person is now almost ready to start the cycle again. Make sure all your frames match, or else it will look unrealistic. Do not wobble.
Frame 7: The last in final frame, the stick man now starts to fall and the legs extend outward, after this frame is completed the animation will loop over and over is if it was running in one spot.
I hope this tutorial helps you, for further help, contact me at and I will send you a .piv file to look at. Thanks for reading!!


Saleel shaik said...

thank you my friend forr saving my tons of time...

Unknown said...

Is it ok if I use this animation on my coding project for school? This is amazing!