This is a site by Ilperon and Irock. I have been pivoting for about 6 months now and I am fairly good at it. This site is a how to pivot site and will help you with things like basic effects, special effects, tips, etc. Enjoy. Please click on ads to support us.


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Monday, July 7, 2008

(Walking Tutorial) Pivot Basics 4: Basic Types of Movement

As you have seen in my videos, there is a variety of punching , kicking, blocks, transitions, and effects. Let's start off with something basic, like walking.

Examine these photos:

Frame 1: Stick figure is standing, ready to move.
Frame 2: In this frame the stick man leans slightly forward, small onionskin.
Frame 3: Front leg moves out, all joints ease forward.

Frame 4: Same as frame 3 except the leaning forward and legs are more pronounced. Slightly bigger onionskin for legs.
Frame 5: Less onionskin, stick man leans forward. Notice how arms move out too.
Frame 6: Stick's upper body tilted a little forward, movements in frame 4 less pronounced, notice how the leg is lifting up and bent a little.
Frame 7: Large onionskin. Leg bends forward, body bends forward. Make sure not to wobble anything. More pronounced movements.
:Frame 8: THIS IS A VITAL FRAME!! This frame is when the legs cross, the body still eases forward and the bent leg "fits" over the straight one.
Frame 9: Also, pretty important, in this frame the foot of the bent leg is on top of the straight leg. Make sure to ease forward!!
Frame 10: This is the final frame before the animation starts over again. the leg eases forward again like in the beginning and repeats.
I hope this helped you, if you would like to see a video, Here is one, this is the longer version with 20 frames instead of 10, but the process itself will repeat over and over. Thank you.

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